Week 4: Conditioning & Baling
Processing continues in this week's Hopsteiner virtual harvest tour. Join us as we take you through our conditioning and baling rooms. We'll show you just how our hops complete their drying process, are baled, and stay at the correct moisture levels.
You couldn’t dare to brew different without conditioning hops first. Watch us move literal mountains of hops to release moisture and evenly dry hops before we wrap them up in bales. Grab your hop samples or a nice hoppy brew, and tag along for arguably one of the best smelling stops on our tour.
While baling isn't unique to Hopsteiner, the care we provide for each bale is. From the minute the hops leave the conditioning facility, to the second we drop them off in our warehouse for storage, we're checking their moisture levels, temperatures and more, so that you can brew with peace of mind.
Check Out Week 5: Warehousing
Harvest comes to a close during week 5 of our Virtual Harvest Tour. You'll learn all about what goes down in our warehouses, as well as get a taste of what a global hops operation looks like.